Friday, March 7

3 Child-Proof Home Hacks You May Not Have Considered


Today’s generation of children spends a lot of their time indoors, with their eyes firmly glued to a phone, TV, tablet, or computer screen. The current pandemic has only enhanced this new reality as public play areas have become no-go zones. During this time, the health and safety of your little ones is more important than ever, and that means creating a safe home for them to live, learn and play in. Kids are inquisitive and mischievous, which can often result in them sticking their hands, heads, and even tongues in places you may never expect. To help parents prevent those little, and big mishaps from occurring in the home we’ve put together a list of some household hazards to look out for as well as practical solutions to keep your precious offspring out of harm’s way.

Soften the blow

child playing

As kids become more mobile, they tend to run around the house with a devil-may-care attitude. Children have a complete disregard for the dangers of bumping into objects and the threat of hurting themselves. Glass tables and doors, sharp counter edges and unsteady pieces of furniture are all things to consider if you have a busy-bee on your hands.

To help your child navigate around hazardous objects, try to soften the blow as much as possible and find ways to alert them to potential dangers in the home. Place stickers on sliding glass doors for your child to easily identify when they’re closed. To help soften sharp edges in the home you can use things like tennis balls. Carefully make a slit in each tennis ball and pop them over table and counter corners. You can also invest in a wide range of child-proof accessories to make your life a little bit easier.

Keep the fridge shut

child at fridge

While it may seem harmless to allow your children access to the fridge when you’re not looking, the freezer and fridge can be a real hazard for small children. To keep your kiddies out of the fridge and avoid its sticky contents from being thrown on the kitchen floor, try this cost-effective hack. Stick a self-adhesive hook on your fridge and another one on the fridge door, placing a rubber band around them to prevent little ones from opening the door.

A similar trick can be used for cupboard doors – simply place rubber bands around doorknobs to keep inquisitive children from getting in and searching through drawers.

Childproof the toilet-paper

child playing

The bathroom is another playground for curious toddlers, and toilet-paper rolls are innocent victims. To avoid a brand-new roll ending up in the toilet or reams of toilet paper being strewn across the floor, employ the ever-humble hair elastic.

Handy for more than just tying up your mane, you can place them around toilet rolls to prevent a catastrophe from taking place in your bathroom.

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