Friday, March 7

5 Tips to Make Your Child’s School Uniform Last Longer


Even though the first day of school was shifted out to later than usual, school washing was not cancelled, just simply delayed. And, whether your children are attending classes at school, or online, school uniform laundry always tends to pile up.

Looking your best for school, whether behind your device or sitting in your classroom is always a must. However, no matter how clean and pristine your children may appear when they start the school day, the chances are that is not how they will return home. Luckily, having schools start a little later, gave parents more time to get uniforms ready and to plan for the return of large laundry loads.

school uniform

A school uniform is the one outfit your child wears that you would like to keep for as long as possible, but ironically it is also the outfit that your child wears the most. Continuous washing can cause unnecessary wear and tear, but there are ways to avoid this and have the uniform last longer. Here are 5 tips for keeping your child’s school uniform looking new and fresh for longer:

Opt for stain-resistant materials

When buying new school uniform items for your child, look for items that have stain resistant claims. While these options may be a little more expensive, they will help to give the clothes a longer lifespan, saving you money in the long run. If your child does get a stain, deal with it immediately to avoid it setting.


Check the label

When washing your child’s school uniform, make sure you always check the label. Different fabrics need different care and react differently when they are being washed, ironed or tumble dried.

While it may be tempting to tumble dry every load of washing, try to only do this when you’re in a bid and new a school shirt dry immediately. Only if you need to, tumble dry. Drying clothes inside out on the washing line helps them to last longer.

Don’t linger

If your child is done with school for the day, make sure that they take off their uniform as soon as they return home or shut off their devices. This will stop the clothes from enduring extra wear and tear throughout the day.

clothing laundry

Treat damp sports gear immediately

Don’t leave a damp sport’s kit in a bag as mildew can develop and the odours will be hard to get rid of. Make sure to have your children always take their kit out when they get home and place them in the laundry basket.

Use the right laundry products

The products you use when washing your child’s school uniform also help extend the longevity of the garments. Choose a washing detergent that is tough on stains but gentle on clothing. Use a stain remover that will help to beat even the toughest stains and add in a fabric softener to ensure the uniform stays comfy and soft. To make life easier, try using innovative products like Personal Touch Auto Washing Powder Sheets. This easy-to-use product will let you leave maths at school, as figuring out how much to use is as simple as ½ a sheet equals ½ a load, and 1 full sheet equals 1 full load.

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Of course, sometimes the longevity of school uniforms does not only have anything to do with washing, but also how well they are looked after. Be sure to label every piece of clothing, ensuring that they will be returned and not need to be replaced unnecessarily.

With these easy tips, school uniforms no longer need to be the bugbear of your washing day. Washing smartly, with products made to care for clothes, and according to what the clothes need helps to keep them in good condition and last longer.


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