Sunday, February 16

Blow Your Vuvuzela Or Sockzela


Where did you find yourself on Wednesday at noon? I would be surprised if you did not hear vuvuzelas and saw many people wearing soccer jerseys showing their support for South Africa.  South Africans do things differently; we call traffic lights robots and eat dried meat. It is these things that make us unique and South African I believe. We are patriotic and love our country.

The vuvuzela is not unique as South American soccer fans have something similar called a Cometa in Brazil. It is a blow horn made of plastic that is powered by the breath of its owner.  If you have been unlucky and someone has blown it near you then you can testify of the high decibel sound that comes out of it.

The Vuvuzela

However, if the plastic vuvuzela is not patriotic enough then a sockzela might just be what you are after. The sockzela is a vuvuzela covered by material that gives it a certain sense of personality. The material can illustrate a flag or the logo of the nation involved.

I would strongly recommend that you also consider having a pair of protective ear plugs to ensure that you do not do permanent damage to your hearing.



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