Friday, March 21

Top 5 Tips to Help You Prepare for Black Friday


Black Friday is traditionally a holiday in North America, where retailers put absolutely ridiculous discounts on products to clear their shelves in time for Christmas stock to be stacked out on their shelves. South Africa has recently adopted the frantic occasion too, and if you’re looking to optimise your spending-power this Black Friday, we’ve got some tips to help you get the best bang for your buck!

Slap a budget together

Before you start imagining illustrious plans of buying a prohibitively expensive UHD television for only about R25,000, set up a maximum budget that you’re working according to. Sales are great and all, but just because something is on sale, it doesn’t suddenly mean you should overspend just because an already-expensive product has a discount attached. By putting together a budget, it’ll help you set up some parameters for your spending so you don’t get too carried away with crazy sales.

Don’t only think about things you want

Also think about stuff you need. The great thing about Black Friday is pretty much everything you can think of goes on sale, so you should consider necessities as well as fun things to buy. If you need practical (*cough* boring *cough*) things like paint for your house or hardware supplies, chances are you’ll find that with slashed prices too – so don’t just think about whacky enjoyable things; cast a wider net and you could tick a few things off your to-do list at a fraction of the price.

Jot down a wishlist

Building on the first point, you’re going to want to put a list of things you need together first, followed by a list of things you want. The biggest reason this helps is because it will keep you focused. It might sound boring, but it’s better to buy four or five things you absolutely know you’ll use, rather than losing your mind when you see those seductive red sale banners and buying twenty things that are going to make you feel satisfied for a day… and then rot in your garage.

Scope out the online retailers

Wading into the frantic brick-and-mortar stores certainly provides a specific thrill, but you’re obviously limited to what’s available in your local market only. Black Friday is a fast-growing retail event that’s catching on like wildfire, chances are many global online retailers will be following suit. Scanning online retailers for things you’d like but that may not be locally available is viable plan of action.

Utilise PriceCheck

PriceCheck, who has been an industry leader in price comparison and product discovery, is the best spot to check out all the big retailers’ Black Friday deals. It curates and combines hundreds of online and physical stores across SA, allowing you to compare their offerings this shopping season so that you can find the very-best price before making a decision.

If you want to keep an eye on the Black Friday deals going around, then PriceCheck should be your home – they’ll be keeping track of specials from these stores and many others on the day and will make it easy for you to find the best savings possible!

Sign-up to PriceCheck’s Black Friday newsletter here.


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