Sunday, March 2

Fine Tune Your Body this Summer with Yoga


Is a busy schedule getting you down, and a 26-hour day wouldn’t even cut it?  I know the feeling too – no time for yourself, let alone exercise!

Move it, Lazy Bones

I live a sliding scale life – it ranges from busy to not so busy. But, I often find that on those not so busy days I generally keep myself busy doing nothing, at all. Watching TV, playing PS3, and visiting friends are just so much more appealing than a workout. If you can relate, then I fully understand! And I’ve come to realise that these lazy days are okay, but only to an extent because you’ll eventually reach a point – as I have – where exercise and moving my body is no longer negotiable. Since having this epiphany I’ve added Yoga to my morning routine, and even took it a step further and changed my eating habits, to accommodate my hobby – a  health-oriented lifestyle. No regrets – I feel so much better, although I have not measured myself yet, my jeans are fitting a little less snug! What’s more is that I don’t feel my usual lethargic self.

I start my day with simple stretches in the comfort of my bedroom, and have found that it really gets your blood flowing, helps to relax your muscles, and ultimately gets you ready to start your day!

Here are 3 easy yoga positions that will give you a real get up and go energy booster:

forward-bend-bwForward Fold

Stretches hamstrings, calves, and hips; strengthens legs and knees

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart, then gently hinge forward at the hips and relax the torso toward the floor.
  • Bend your knees generously to take any pressure out of the low back and hamstrings, then cross your arm,  hold your elbows and extend it slightly, keeping your arms steady and airborne in front of your chest.
  • . Breathe deeply and let gravity play its part – relax and feel your body drop toward the earth. Relax your head, neck, shoulders and torso. Slowly sway your torso or gently shake your head.
  • Hold for one minute and roll back up to standing.

Why it’s good for you: This is a great move to use as part of a warm-up for any workout.

Why it’s good for you: We often have a hard time knowing when we are holding excess tension in our head, neck and shoulders, and that buildup of tension can create headaches, insomnia, and poor circulation and decreased lung capacity. If you practice slow, steady breathing along with this pose, it can lower your blood pressure.

downward-dog-resized-600Downward-Facing Dog

Stretches feet, shoulders, hamstrings, and calves; strengthens arms, legs, and core

Start on your hands and knees with your feet and knees hip-width apart

Position your hands about shoulder-width apart, and spread your fingers wide. Then with your hands firmly to the floor,  slowly lift your knees, until you’ve straightened your legs. (If you have tight hamstrings, a gentle bend in the knees is fine).

Walk your hands forward a few inches, and walk your feet back a few inches, to lengthen the pose. Tighten your thighs as you press them toward the back wall. Press your heels back and down toward the floor (though they might not reach the floor). Relax your head and neck and let your shoulder blades slide down your back toward your feet. Set your gaze between your feet. Suck your stomach in and engage your core muscles. Breathe deeply. Hold for three minutes, rest, and repeat one more time.

Why it’s good for you: We often experience back pain due to chronic tightness in the hamstrings and hips. It’s also common for us to have very tight shoulders. The Downward Dog pose releases tension in those areas, and builds upper body strength. If you can do only one pose a day, start with Downward Dog.


Stretches shoulders and chest, strengthens thighs, calves, spine, and ankles

  • Stand up tall with your big toes touching. Inhale and raise your arms alongside your head to the ceiling, with palms facing each other.
  • Then slowly drop your shoulders down your back as you lengthen up through your neck. As you exhale, bend your knees, to a sitting position, and straighten your back as if you are doing a squat with your feet together. Do not let your knees extend past your toes.
  • Inhale as you lengthen the spine, and exhale as you return to the sitting position. Drop a little lower with each cycle. Eventually your thighs will be parallel to the floor. Drop your tailbone down toward the floor to take any stress out of your lower back. Keep your core muscles engaged and keep your knees and thighs pressed tightly together. Hold for 30 seconds.
  • Why it’s good for you: No gym necessary! Chair pose eliminates abdominal fat, and strengthens the thighs and legs.


The END …is only the beginning

I end off these stretches by doing 5 push-ups! I know they seem a small amount, but I am just starting, so I think doing 5 of them, with a proper form is good enough! You don’t want to take on TOO much, TOO soon and burn out or become despondent before seeing real results.

And if you heard that Yoga is a sissy sport or for women only – think again. Yoga is mutually beneficial to both men and women.   It not only improves your sexual performance, it also increases your stamina. So… here’s to getting your day started with energy and zest!



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