Wednesday, March 19

How Many Calories Are in Your Favourite Wine?


Despite what you may think, living a healthier lifestyle doesn’t have to be boring. In fact, with the right know-how, you can still indulge in an alcoholic drink or two and be a leaner version of your former self. But it’s not rocket science — here is a handy guide to choosing the lowest calorie wine to help you reach your health and fitness goals while still leaving room for a good time.


Sauvignon Blanc

Want to add some pizazz to a boring old salad? A glass of deliciously crisp Sauvignon Blanc is the perfect pairing with a lunch or dinner salad and has a relatively low-calorie count too. Your average Sauvignon Blanc has around 123 calories about 3 grams of carbohydrates.


Chenin Blanc

If you’re a Chenin Blanc fan you might want to save your favourite wine for a special occasion. While a glass of Chenin has slightly less calories than a glass of Sauvignon Blanc, with an average of 120 calories per glass, compared to Sauvignon Blanc, it soars in carbohydrates and tips the scale at 4.9 grams per glass! Not ideal for the carb conscious diner.


Great news for Chard fans, when it comes to wine, Chardonnay is a great choice for those trying to watch their calorie intake. Chardonnay has significantly less calories than its white wine counterparts — we’re talking a mere 84 calories and an average of 3.18 grams of carbohydrate per glass!


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Another winner in the calorie department. Rosé has significantly lower calorie and carbohydrate counts than white wines like Sauvignon Blanc and Chenin, coming in at only 83 calories, and 2.9 grams of carbohydrates per glass. It’s no wonder Rosé is so popular with the well heeled crowd these days!


Cabernet Sauvignon

You might think thank red wines are more calorific than their white wine counterparts but as it turns out, our favourite easy-drinking Cabs only have 3 calories more than a Sauvignon Blanc. With 126 calories and 3.82 grams carbs per glass, Cabernet Sauvignon comes in below the Chenin’s calories and carb count.



Love Shiraz? You may want to limit your intake if you’re trying to drop a few kilograms. A glass of Shiraz contains 122 calories and 3.79 grams of carbs in each glass, not ideal if you’re watching your calorie count!


If it’s a calorie-friendly red you want, Merlot is where it’s at! Merlot contains the same amount of calories as a rosé – a measly 83! This, coupled with just 3.7 grams of carbs, makes this red the perfect companion for winter evenings in front of the fire place.


Champagne/ Méthode Cap Classique

Wonderful news for bubbly fanatics — your favourite champagne or MCC is actually a dieter’s dream, with only 90 calories and 1 gram of carbohydrates per glass. If that doesn’t convince you to drink more champagne nothing will!

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