Monday, March 3

Irit Noble


Irit Noble – Comedian, Inspirational Entertainer, Singer and Columnist.

Chosen charity – Saartjie Baartman Centre for Women & Children.

Irit Noble

2010 has been a year of almost bi-polar balances and far-fetching choices. I fell in love with the man I intend to grow old with, and fell out of love with the no-longer-quite-so-romantic-oh, yay, candlelight again-I’m-so-grrrrateful-to-learn-to-make-do-on-less-and-its-so-good-for- me- to- stop- using- shopping- as- my- cardio economy that I do not choose to grow much older with! Where was I? Right, we were addressing the balance – I began the year as a Vaudeville diva, bouncing about in burlesque Basques, and am seeing it out on my bed all day, blogging in my PJ’s.   I started smoking again, but I’m also eating more healthily than ever.  I moved to a sleepy little fishing-village, and have never spent more time in cyber-space. I turned 43, yet am still anticipating adulthood!

What’s that? You want my impressions of sporting and political events? Sorry loves, Ms Noble don’t do the news; I’m far more interested in real life – you know, love, sex, God, clothes and shoes and stuff.

If I were to spend NYE in Kakamas, I’d consider the cold and bring my personal heating system, which includes:

  • My big, warm man
  • My stiletto Veld-skoenne
  • My flasher-fur with the inbuilt hot-water-bottom
  • My KakamaSutra
  • Oh, and considering it’s so dry there, you can actually scratch on the word Old, I should probably pack some oils too.

And with that kit, we could start the fireworks in our room, to help kakamuster the energy to party!

Hey, psssst… you know what nobody knows? …  I love to smoke and hate to read the news. Well, now they do.  Ok… ummm, nobody knows that I’m immature. No, Ms Noble, they do.

Compare all, from candles to beds, on PriceCheck


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