We already know that many people use Hemp oil to treat a variety of ailments and conditions, from pain and anxiety to skin concerns, but now, animal lovers are turning to the oil for the daily health care of their pets as well. Those who use hemp oil as a natural remedy to treat skin ailments, as well as stress and anxiety, believe it can also be used to treat similar conditions in pets. As a result, the pet care industry has seen a huge increase in hemp-infused products for dogs and cats. But is hemp oil safe for pets? Let’s take a look at the benefits of hemp oil for pets and how to safely administer hemp oil to your furry friend.

While hemp is extracted from the hemp and cannabis plants, unlike Marijuana, hemp is naturally very low in THC (about 0.3 percent), and therefore does not have psychoactive properties. This means that you can safely give your pets hemp without any concern about “getting them high”.

Hemp for pets

Hemp oil has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries and is the only balanced source of Essential Fatty Acids (with a perfect 3:1 ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3). The oil’s incredible healing properties make it ideal for not only treating ailments in humans but animals as well.

Hemp’s pain relief properties are a particularly interesting benefit of the oil when it comes to treating animals. According to studies, the oil helps to decrease nerve-related pain as well as dramatically reduce inflammation. This makes it ideal for treating older dogs that are suffering from pain and stiffness related to ailments such as arthritis.

Hemp for pets

In addition to its impressive pain relief properties, studies have shown that many people take hemp oil to reduce symptoms of anxiety and stress and the oil can be used in a similar way for anxious dogs. Whether your dog suffers from stress due to loud noises or severe separation anxiety, many dog owners find hemp helps to dramatically reduce their dog’s stress and anxiety.

In addition to helping your dog stay calm, there are many other health benefits to hemp oil for dogs. From treating skin ailments to helping fight cancer and treat seizures, the benefits are almost endless.

Hemp can be applied directly to your pet’s skin and coat in an oil form but can also be found in a wide range of dog treats for oral treatment. If your pet is on any kind of traditional medication, make sure you chat with your vet before using hemp oil on your pet or feeding hemp treats.

Looking for top quality hemp oil for you and your pet? Find the best hemp oil at the best prices online now via PriceCheck: