Sunday, March 2

Metro Exodus Review (PS4) – The Sleeper Hit of 2019?

9.0 Incredible

Metro Exodus isn't for everyone, but for those who are looking for something different and willing to put the time into it, there's a stellar experience to be had thanks to the game's clever mechanics, emphasis on survival, and beautiful visuals.

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Whether you’ve played any Metro games in the past or not, it’s good to know that they’re difficult, brutal, and slower-paced than other shooters on the market, but they’re also incredibly detailed, brilliantly-designed, and unique with some innovative gameplay mechanics, and Metro Exodus is a shining light in an already-excellent franchise.

Check out more Metro games on PriceCheck!

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Based on Russian author Dmitry Glukhovsky’s mutant-ravaged post-apocalyptic world, Metro Exodus picks up after the first two games, which sees series hero Artoym venture out from the metro tunnels beneath Moscow in order to find hope above ground on a continent-spanning journey. The story, while bleak, is surprisingly heartfelt and carries a lot of weight given that it’s the climax of the narrative which has been told over the past two games.

The previous games had players navigating their way around dark and confined railway tunnels with small glimpses of outside areas; this time around, Exodus has players spending a large portion of their time in large outdoor environments, which is a nice change for the series. However, the creepy interiors and derelict buildings are still a mainstay for the gunfights and survival scenarios which you’ll have to endure.

Gameplay wise, the gunplay is as strategic as ever, where bullets and time aren’t on your side, along with having to watch out for gun-jamming and overheating, leaving players to rely on clinical shots and quick-thinking in order survive attacks from giant creatures and other hostile survivors. Stealth is therefore the best way to proceed with these moments, and thankfully, the stealth system and fairness of enemy-detection working excellently this time around.

Difficulty has also been a concern for newcomers to the Metro franchise, but Exodus makes a great effort to ease players back into the action before throwing them to the wolves, quite literally. Combat is tough but not overbearing, and making your way around the open-ended levels never seems overwhelming or daunting – you always find yourself at where you need to be eventually.

Metro Exodus isn’t for everyone, but for those who are looking for something different and willing to put the time into it, there’s a stellar experience to be had thanks to the game’s clever mechanics, emphasis on survival, and beautiful visuals.

If you want to pick up a copy of Metro Exodus, check out the best deals available on PriceCheck!

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