Sunday, February 2

Mortal Kombat 11 Review (PS4)

9.0 Amazing

Mortal Kombat 11 manages to evolve the veteran fighting franchise's already-solid combat mechanics, while bringing an entertaining and sometimes zany story mode full of fan-fare moments.

  • Amazing 9
  • User Ratings (1 Votes) 3.3

The Mortal Kombat franchise has managed to survive the changing of times in the gaming industry, always delivering a solid and high-quality experience each and every iteration – and with Mortal Kombat 11, NetherRealm Studios has unleashed their most expansive, slick, and brilliant sequel to date, making it a true love-letter to MK fighting fans.

Buy your copy of Mortal Kombat 11 now!

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The real meat of Mortal Kombat has always been in its brutal yet accessible fighting mechanics, and MK 11 gives longtime players the tools to thrive and newcomers to learn quickly. In addition to the tried-and-tested bone-breaking gameplay of combos and quick-strikes, Mortal Kombat 11 introduces three new mechanics: Krushing Blow, Fatal Blow, and Flawless Block. Krushing Blow is a special cinematic version of a given move for a character, but only becomes available when certain conditions have been met; Fatal Blow is a high-damage move that’s a mini-Fatality of sorts which only becomes available when the user’s health is below 30 percent; and the Flawless Block is a retaliation window that occurs when a player precisely times a block. It looks gorgeous too with some stylish gore and sound effects that add a whole new range of gasping (or cringing moments) to the blood-splattered brutality on show.

Story-wise, MK 11 goes down the time-travel route, forcing the series’ most notable heroes back in time in order to stop evil versions of themselvesThere’s something hilarious and nostalgic about it all, and while the story actually does try and hit some high emotional beats, it doesn’t ever take itself too seriously, which is for the best.

While some fighting games tend to feel very same-y with each instalment, Mortal Kombat 11 manages to evolve the veteran fighting franchise’s already-solid combat mechanics, while bringing an entertaining and sometimes zany story mode full of fan-fare moments.

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