7.0 Good

It's hard not to promote the purchase of the more-recent Sniper Elite 4, being that it's a better game than Sniper Elite V2. But if you've burned through the more recent iterations of this series and want to jump back to the front-lines of WWII, Sniper Elite V2 Remastered is definitely worth picking up, especially at a lowered price of R549.

  • Good 7
  • User Ratings (0 Votes) 0

Fans of WW2 and shooting Nazis in the testicles will be ecstatic to know that Sniper Elite V2 (one of the best in the series) has made a remastered return to the Xbox One, PS4, and PC. This spruced-up edition of the game gives gamers a great opportunity to revisit the solid sharpshooting adventure, but it does highlight how far the franchise has come since it’s initial release, too.

Buy your copy of Sniper Elite V2 Remastered now!

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While some remasters try and revive a somewhat dated and buggy title, the good news is that Sniper Elite V2 is (and was) a great title in its own right. The shooting mechanics are solid and satisfying, with the sniping being as convincing and impactful as ever. The franchise’s trademark X-Ray bullet cam is still incredibly gory and satisfying, and its one of the portions of the game that has benefited from the polished-up visuals.

While it doesn’t play much different to the original, the new higher-res textures, better lighting, and 4K support makes the game look fantastic. The most notable changes can be seen on the protagonist Karl Fairburne himself, with his clothing, gear, and movements being far more detailed. Also, given that it’s a game about shooting people at long-distances, having the crisper, clearer draw-distance and sharper enemy models also helps tremendously.

Content wise, you get the downloadable add-ons that Sniper Elite V2 got post-launch, including the fun yet difficult ‘Assassinate the Führer’ mission where you attempt to blow Hitler’s wig off, three additional challenge levels, and a bunch of new character skins.

Of course, shooting those pesky fascists isn’t the only thing you’ll be doing in V2 Remastered. There’s a whole bunch of bomb-planting, sneaking, and stabbing that needs to be done, and this is sometimes where the game’s age does become a little apparent. Enemy AI is a little all over the place, and their vision paths remain somewhat inconsistant – sometimes an enemy quite a distance away will spot you around a corner, while another will walk straight past you without a blink.

It’s hard not to promote the purchase of the more-recent Sniper Elite 4, being that it’s a better game than Sniper Elite V2. But if you’ve burned through the more recent iterations of this series and want to jump back to the front-lines of WWII, Sniper Elite V2 Remastered is definitely worth picking up, especially at a lowered price of R549.