Suddenly the rain has stopped, the sun is shining and the birds are starting to chirp again too. Finally, Spring has arrived! We can start putting away our coats and jackets and start making space in our closets for the new Spring fashion trends. Let’s look at key pieces that are must haves this Spring.

Pretty Women


Bright and Bold

Bright and Bold


This year’s trends include bold prints and bright colours. Pants and leggings with lots of patterns are super trendy and they are made to make you feel comfortable.  Stripe and patterned shorts are also uber fashionable this season.

But as an adult working in the fashion industry, I struggle with materialism. And I’m one of the least materialistic people that exist, because material possessions don’t mean much to me. They’re beautiful, I enjoy them, they can enhance your life to a certain degree, but they’re ultimately not important. – Tom Ford







Bright, Short and Sleeveless


Bright, short and sleeveless dresses are all the rage for Spring! You can dress it up or down with some killer heels or simply add a flat sandal. Adding a little jacket or cardigan is also something you can do as it’s not quite summer yet.

I love that you can have the language between the two worlds of technology and fashion, because I don’t think that many designers get to do that. – Stella MacCartney







Comfortable and Cool

Comfortable and Cool


All pants, shorts and dresses are great but you need to complete the ensemble with some good shoes. Sandals are the perfect shoe as they are comfortable and cool.




Next time I will talk more about funky and cool accessories for Spring.

If you have any fashion tips and advice, please feel free to share them…