Friday, March 14

The PriceCheck Movie Shorts Competition – This competition is closed.


Official Competition Blog

3 months of mini movie madness has begun (on 20th July)!

Are you a movie lover, director in the making, actor wannabe? Do you dream of owning an Oscar or you just like to have fun with friends? Well, this is just for you then!

Let the creative juices flow…

30 seconds (minimum) is all it takes to get your time in the spotlight. Use your imagination to shoot (on any device) your own creative mini movie for your chance to win… an Apple iPad 64GB & HP T200 HD Digital Video Camcorder. Yes, you read correctly – the winner wins both! (Spot prizes are to be won throughout the competition too.)

The catch – not a fish but you have to use all of the following words in your movie short. They must appear in your short and be clear* – it’s up to you how as you’re the creative! : All, Big or Small”.

*To be clear; “” must be seen for at least 30 seconds. “Compare all, big or small” just needs to be heard or seen once.

So, the more imaginative the better!

Once you’ve shot your mini movie you then need to Click on this button below to submit.


Please note that by entering this competition, you are agreeing to abide by and accept all the rules and Ts & Cs for this competition. You also hand over to PriceCheck all rights to your movie short once it is submitted.

The mini movie with the most YouTube likes* will win. The winning movie will be featured on our facebook page, the PriceCheck YouTube Channel as main feature and we will even create a blog entry about the winner and their movie. Cool hey!

All entries need to be in by September 30th 2011. (Tip: the sooner it’s uploaded, the longer it has to win over voters!) Voting closes October 10th.

Winner announced on 14th October 2011. 

Once we receive your masterpiece, it will be added to the PriceCheck YouTube Channel, where it will be up to the general public to vote* and pick the ultimate winner. So, let your creativity exude, be fresh and original!

We look forward to seeing your stuff!

* How to vote: View the entries on the PriceCheck YouTube Channel and “Like” (by clicking the “thumbs up” button underneath) the movie short you prefer the best and tickles your fancy. Once you’ve done this, giving your favourite a “thumbs up”, you must then post on your facebook status:

I just voted for my favourite mini movie for the @PriceCheck Movie Shorts Competition, co-sponsored by @Purple Fly Trading, @Expansys & @Mantality.”*

This seals your vote, so don’t forget this important step! 

*P.S. Make sure you TAG all of us(PriceCheck, Purple Fly Trading, Expansys, Mantality) by starting with an ‘@

– you have to ‘LIKE‘ us first (you do, don’t you?). So do not copy and paste the message, type it out.

For all those that vote, there will be a lucky draw…to win!

Official Rules:

  • Movie entrants open to all. Voting is open to all, but spot prizes can only be won by South Africa residents only.
  • You may enter as many movie shorts as you wish, but only 1 vote per entry per person per day. Only “thumbs up” votes are counted. Entrants will be disqualified if automatic voting software is used in their favour.
  • By entering this competition you agree that you have read, agreed and complied with all the rules and Ts & Cs. You also hand over all rights to your movie short by submitting it as your entry. See links below.
  • Voters get a chance to win as well with spot prizes. (As long as you “like” your favourite with a “thumbs up” on YouTube and facebook, and quote the comment mentioned above on your facebook status.)
  • Mini movie must have all the words; “” (seen for 30 seconds) and “Compare all, big or small”(can be heard or seen).
  • It must be original and fun.
  • No full frontal nudity or foul speech. Please keep it clean.


• (ALL Required)

Movie File Name:

the pricecheck movie short competition-antonie*.mp4.

The file name of your movie must use the following format: the pricecheck movie shorts competition-[contestant name].mp4. The [contestant name]* is your name (or YouTube screen name).

For example, someone with the YouTube name “Antonie” would have a movie file with the following name: The PriceCheck movie shorts competition-antonie*.mp4.

The .mp4 is for demonstration purposes only. You may use any video format that is accepted by YouTube.

Movie Title:

My time in the spotlight with PriceCheck.”

This is the title of the movie on your entry form. All movies should have the exact same title so that people searching YouTube for competition entries will be able to find all of the movie shorts easily, although all movie entries will be on the PriceCheck YouTube Channel (easily accessible on the PriceCheck Website homepage on the top right hand side).
Please use the following title: “My time in the spotlight with PriceCheck.”

Movie Short Description: Please add this on your entry form. All movies should use the exact same description so that people searching YouTube for the competition can find the entries with ease.
Please use the following description:

This is my original take on The PriceCheck Little Film Comparison Short. Help me win an Apple iPad & HP T200 HD Digital Video Camcorder. Vote for my mini movie here:

You may add additional text to your description as long as the above description text appears.

YouTube Category: Entertainment

Guideline Tags to add:
•    PriceCheck
•    PriceCheck_SA
•    30 second mini movies
•    PriceCheck_ZA
•    film
•   mini movies
•    competitions
•    contest
•    30 seconds  of fame
•    PriceCheck comparison
•    compare prices and products
•    comparison website
•    compare imagination
•    Apple iPad 64GB
•    Video Camera
•    Video contest
•    Film contest

License: Standard YouTube License

Don’t forget:

  • The movie with the most likes will win.
  • The quicker you get your movie uploaded and link sent via email to us, the longer it will have to gain views and likes.
  • These dates: Competition starts 20th of July. Entries must be in by 3oth of September. Voting closes on the 10th of October. Winner announced on the 14th of October.

Last but not least…


•  Apple iPad 64GB, WiFi, Bluetooth – Sponsored by PriceCheck

•  HP T200 HD Digital Video Camcorder – Sponsored by Purple Fly Trading


For entrants:

•  Flip Video – Sponsored by Expansys

•  Video Watch – Sponsored by Mantality

For voters:

•  Flip Video – Sponsored by Expansys

•  Spy Pen – Sponsored by Mantality

An example for inspiration:

On a typical winter’s day, the magic all happened when Antonie (The Ant) and friends came alive on film. The PriceCheck People captured this moment as a mini movie, shot on location at the PriceCheck headquarters, which became the comparison masterpiece mini movies competition example.  We thoroughly enjoyed making it and hope you have fun too. We do hope this helps to inspire you.

So, here it is, the masterpiece: (A little Film Comparison)


  • Sound effects and music – do not underestimate the importance – download off web or make them yourself (with your phones voice memo)
  • How To make a movie (blog): (link)
  • View the short end of the stick ( a shortened version with quick steps of what to do for this competition). Follow this link – A Highlighted Version


An added extra:

Look out for The PriceCheck Mini Series which will be released on the PriceCheckSA YouTube Channel.


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