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A complete guide to Pentaho Kettle, the Pentaho Data lntegration toolset for ETL This practical book is a complete guide to installing, configuring, and managing Pentaho Kettle. If youre a database
The arrival and popularity of multi-core processors has sparked a renewed interest in the development of parallel programs. Similarly, the availability of low-cost microprocessors and sensors has generated a great interest in
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Building Parallel Embedded And Real-time Applications With Ada Hardcover
Operating Systems
Richard Bird takes a radically new approach to algorithm design, namely, design by calculation. These 30 short chapters each deal with a particular programming problem drawn from sources as diverse as games
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But How Do It Know? - The Basic Principles Of Computers For Everyone Paperback
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This text covers what students need to know about basic Java programming in a clear, straight-forward writing style.
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Enterprise Architecture Patterns With Python - How To Apply DDD Ports And Adapters And Enterprise Architecture Design Patterns In A Pythonic Way (Paperback)
Nicht Hackbare Rechner Und Nicht Brechbare Kryptographie (German Hardcover 2nd 2. Wesentl. Neu Bearb. U. Erw. Aufl. 2018 Ed.)
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Nicht Hackbare Rechner Und Nicht Brechbare Kryptographie Book 2. Wesentl. Neu Bearb. U. Erw. Aufl. 2018
Architecting For Scale - How To Maintain High Availability And Manage Risk In The Cloud (Paperback 2nd Ed.)
Programming PHP - Creating Dynamic Web Pages (Paperback 4th Revised Edition)
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Programming Php - Creating Dynamic Web Pages Paperback 4TH Revised Edition
Truth And Reconciliation In South Korea - Between The Present And Future Of The Korean Wars (Paperback)
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Truth And Reconciliation In South Korea - Between The Present And Future Of The Korean Wars Paperback
No doubt one of the most important research tools for vinaya studies. This work covers both primary and secondary sources in Sanskrit, Pali, Tibetan, and Chinese as well as modern sources in
Algorithm Design Practice For Collegiate Programming Contests And Education (Paperback)
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Algorithm Design Practice For Collegiate Programming Contests And Education Paperback
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