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This book introduces the methodology of critical discourse analysis (CDA) to the study of participatory planning. CDA uses linguistic analysis to elucidate social issues and processes and is particularly suited to institutional
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Proceedings of the CEC/IOBC Expert's Group Meeting, Pennes, France, November 1985. Forty contributions (authors are from 12 countries and two international organizations) deal with crops such as cabbages, carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, beans,
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An introduction to insect physiology, genetics and behaviour which looks at the interaction between humans and insects, and explores both the positive and negative aspects of the relationship.
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Throughout the nineteenth century, Britain remained hungry for minerals to fuel her industrial and economic growth. Archibald Liversidge (1846-1927) found his knowledge and research to be in high demand. He had studied
Originally published during the early part of the twentieth century, the Cambridge Manuals of Science and Literature were designed to provide concise introductions to a broad range of topics. They were written
Outdoors & Nature