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A collection of thoughts, essays, stories, and profiles from nature provides a look at such different places as the central Amazon, the South Pacific, and Cincinnati, detailing such adventures as kayaking on
A study that testifies to Kansas's natural abundance presents forty-six stunning color landscapes and seventeen evocative essays that are complemented by sidebars featuring facts about wildlife and weather, forest and farming.
First published in 1987 with the aim of deepening understanding of the place of women in the cultural heritage of modern society, this collection of essays brings together thepreviously discrete perspectives of
This unique volume explores Europe's most dangerous communist terrorist organizations and reveals how they use violence as a means of political communication and persuasion. It outlines seven terrorist groups from Germany, Greece,
Originally the preserve of Afro-Brazilian slaves, the marginalized and the underclasses in Brazilian society, capoeira is now a mainstream sport, taught in Brazilian schools and practised by a range of social classes
This is the first text to examine women and sport in Italy during the period 1861-1945. To qualify and quantify the impact of fascism on Italian Women's sport, the author first of
This is the first text to examine women and sport in Italy during the period 1861-1945. To qualify and quantify the impact of fascism on Italian Women's sport, the author first of
Evolving for centuries in relative isolation, sport in Japan developed a unique character reflective of Japanese culture and society. In recent decades, Japans drive towards cultural and economic modernisation has consciously incorporated

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