6 509 products in Biological Sciences
Within little more than a generation, whale-watching has been subject to global industrial development. It has been portrayed by destinations and business operators, and advocated by environmental groups, as a sustainable activity
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Whale-watching - Sustainable Tourism And Ecological Management Hardcover New
Biological Sciences
The discovery of the first species of African hominin, Australopithecus africanus, from Taung, South Africa in 1924, launched the study of fossil man in Africa. New discoveries continue to confirm the importance
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African Genesis - Perspectives On Hominin Evolution Hardcover New
Biological Sciences
This multi-contributor, international volume synthesizes contributions from the world's leading soil scientists and ecologists, describing cutting-edge research that provides a basis for the maintenance of soil health and sustainability. The book covers
Biological Sciences
Archimedes to Hawking takes the reader on a journey across the centuries as it explores the eponymous physical laws--from Archimedes' Law of Buoyancy and Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion to Heisenberg's Uncertainty
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From Archimedes To Hawking - Laws Of Science And The Great Minds Behind Them Hardcover New
Biological Sciences
William Carmichael McIntosh (1838-1931) was a Scottish physician and marine biologist and the first director of the Gatty Marine Laboratory, founded during 1896 in St Andrews. Originally published in 1921, this is
Biological Sciences
The focus of the present edition has been to further consolidate the information on the principles of plant systematic, include detailed discussion on all major systems of classification, and significantly, also include
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Plant Systematics - An Integrated Approach Third Edition Paperback 3RD Edition
Biological Sciences
This book analyzes the development of female prostitution in the Pacific port of Puntarenas, Costa Rica during the advanced stage of the coffee exporting economy (1880-1930), at the height of the consolidation
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Female Prostitution In Costa Rica - Historical Perspectives 1880-1930 Paperback
Biological Sciences
The American Obesity Association identifies obesitys link to numerous medical conditions, including hypertension, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, several cancers, and a host of inflammatory disorders. Evidence indicates that inflammation has more
Biological Sciences
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In humanitys more than 100,000 year history, we have evolved from vulnerable creatures clawing sustenance from Earth to a sophisticated global society manipulating every inch of it. In short, we have become
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The Dominant Animal - Human Evolution And The Environment Hardcover English
Biological Sciences
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In recent decades we have come to realize that the microbial world is hugely diverse, and can be found in the most extreme environments. Fungi, single-celled protists, bacteria, archaea, and the vast
Biological Sciences
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Fascinating . . . A thought-provoking journey into emotion science. Wall Street Journal A singular book, remarkable for the freshness of its ideas and the boldness and clarity with
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How Emotions Are Made - The Secret Life Of The Brain Paperback
Biological Sciences
This book adopts a unique integrated approach to the neurosciences and psychopharmacology. Drawing from many disciplines, it describes the function of the brain systems governing human behavior--systems for waking and sleeping, learning
Biological Sciences
Plant Biotechnology, Volume 2: Plant Biotechnology is on Transgenics, Stress Management, and Biosafety Issues is the second of this new two-volume set. This volume covers many recent advances in the development of
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Plant Biotechnology Volume 2 - Transgenics Stress Management And Biosafety Issues Hardcover
Biological Sciences
Biology and Ecology of Edible Marine Bivalve Molluscs provides a plethora of first-hand information on the diversity, biology, and ecology of edible marine bivalve mollusks. Marine bivalve molluscs play important roles
Biological Sciences
The first major synthesis of African archaeobotany in decades, this book focuses on Paleolithic archaeobotany and the relationship between agriculture and social complexity. It explores the effects that plant life has had
Biological Sciences
Since the turn of the twenty-first century, applications of ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) have diversified, expanding their utility in the military and security spheres and entering the realms of clinical practice and
Biological Sciences
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Molecular Systematics and Plant Evolution discusses the diversity and evolution of plants with a molecular approach. It looks at population genetics, phylogeny (history of evolution) and developmental genetics, to provide a framework
Biological Sciences
As humans have come to dominate the earth, the ideal of studying and teaching ecology in pristine ecosystems has become impossible to achieve. Our planet is now a mosaic of ecosystems ranging
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Urban Ecosystems - Ecological Principles For The Built Environment Paperback New
Biological Sciences
In wastewater reclamation systems, microbiological monitoring is conducted to ensure that the users of reclaimed water are exposed to minimal risks from exposure to pathogens. Typically, utilities rely on the use of
Biological Sciences
Microbial quality of water is a prime public health concern in today's world. To protect public health, the World Health Organization and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency have established microbial pollution indicator
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Molecular Alternatives To Indicator And Pathogen Detection Paperback Illustrated Ed
Biological Sciences
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