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This book addresses the fundamental issues of predator-prey interactions, with an emphasis on predation among arthropods, which have been better studied, and for which the database is more extensive than for the
This edited volume is provides an authoritative synthesis of knowledge about the history of life. All the major groups of organisms are treated, by the leading workers in their fields. With sections
Volume 4 of the critically acclaimed Flora of North America series is one of 19 volumes on dicots to be published in this collection. Together they will provide a comprehensive, authoritative, illustrated
The detection and measurement of the dynamic interactions of proteins within the living cell are critical to our understanding of cell physiology and pathophysiology. With FRET microscopy and spectroscopy techniques, basic and
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Some investigators have argued that emotions, especially animal emotions, are illusory concepts outside the realm of scientific inquiry. However, with advances in neurobiology and neuroscience, researchers are demonstrating that this position is
When we try to remember whether we left a window open or closed, do we actually see the window in our mind? If we do, does this mental image play a role
Understanding of animal social and sexual evolution has seen a renaissance in recent years with discoveries of frequent infidelity in apparently monogamous species, the importance of sperm competition, active female mate choice,
This book looks back at the simpler versions of mental life in apes, Neanderthals, and our ancestors, back before our burst of creativity started 50,000 years ago. When you can't think about
The male thynnine wasp's extreme sexual enthusiasm is crucial to reproduction of hammer orchids in the wild. Hammer orchids have co-evolved to produce odors identical to those manufactured by female thynnine wasps.
Searching for reaction in organic synthesis has been made much easier in the current age of computer databases. However, the dilemma now is which procedure one selects among the ocean of choices.
This book is concerned with the most devastating fungal diseases in history. These are the plagues of trees and crop plants, caused by invisible spores that have reshaped entire landscapes and decimated
This third edition retains the general level and scope of earlier editions, but has been substantially updated with over 900 new references covering the literature through 2005, and 140 more pages of
This is the first guide yet produced to the amphibians and reptiles of New York State, a large and heavily populated state that hosts a surprisingly diverse and interesting community of amphibians
The main goal of this book is to encourage and formalize the infusion of evolutionary thinking into mainstream conservation biology. It reviews the evolutionary foundations of conservation issues, and unifies conceptual and
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