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Emotions, rather than simply being the result of random or disordered biochemical processes, are adaptive mechanisms that are often overly relied upon as a function of basic learning processes. The Quest to
Neither government programs nor massive charitable efforts responded adequately to the human crisis that was Hurricane Katrina. In this study, the authors use extensive interviews with Katrina evacuees and reports from service
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A World Turned Upside Down looks at children s experiences during war from a psychological and social ecological perspective, offering thoughtful observations and dispelling myths about the realities of growing up in
Effective Staff Training in Social Care provides a theoretical framework for training and professional development, focusing on group learning in a social care context. It tackles the tensions and dilemmas of those
Offering a contemporary reflective, context-based approach to group work, this introductory group work textbook is ideal for students in social work, community work, health, and welfare or as a professional reference. Drawing
This handbook explains the rationale behind supervised practice, and addresses design, supervision, and ethical components that are relevant to both faculty teaching supervised practice courses and supervisors overseeing students on-site.
Satire plays a prominent and often controversial role in postcolonial fiction. Satire and the Postcolonial Novel offers the first study of this topic, employing the insights of postcolonial comparative theories to revisit
The second edition of Childrens Testimony is a fully up-to-date resource for practitioners and researchers working in forensic contexts and concerned with children's ability to provide reliable testimony about abuse.
There is a growing need for research within practice settings. Increasing competition for funding requires organizations to demonstrate that the funding they are seeking is going towards effective programming. Additionally, the evidence-based
Supporting Bereaved Students at School provides educational professionals with essential information to support bereaved students. The book specifically targets helping children and adolescents cope with their emotional, physical, and social reactions during
Presenting a stimulating contribution to the quickly advancing field of welfare attitudes research, this important book develops the understanding of welfare legitimacy. It does so by assessing the nature of popular judgments
What is it really like to be unemployed and on welfare? How do you make ends meet? Does the welfare system actually help people get back into jobs? Half a Citizen draws
In The Need to Help Liisa H. Malkki shifts the focus of the study of humanitarian intervention from aid recipients to aid workers themselves. The anthropological commitment to understand the motivations and
Professionals who serve children address serious human needs in complex clinical, ethical, and political circumstances. Issues of confidentiality, informed consent, and self-determination become more complicated when clients' rights and choices are constrained
Recent events such as the clergy abuse scandal in the Catholic Church have brought the once-taboo subject of childhood sexual abuse to the forefront. But despite increasing awareness of the problem, the
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The social worker's guide to integrating theory and practice Applying Theory to Generalist Social Work Practice teaches aspiring social workers how to apply theory in real world practice. Fully aligned with the
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