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When Chiang Kai-shek fled from mainland China, his military was in disarray. Today, it appears to be a modern, well-equipped and well-trained force. But how capable is it? This book offers the
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Military action in South Ossetia, growing tensions with the United States and NATO, and Russia's relationship with the European Union demonstrate how the issue of Russian nationalism is increasingly at the heart
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The writer and politician Mahmud al-Mis'adi is a figure of prime importance in the development of North African literature and cultural politics since the last war. This fascinating book covers both his
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Arabic Rhetoric explores the history, disciplines, order and pragmatic functions of Arabic speech acts. It offers a new understanding of Arabic rhetoric and employs examples from modern standard Arabic as well as
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Explores how our bodies experience and adapt to digital environments. This book argues that cyberspace is anchored in the body, and it's the body-not high-tech computer graphics that allows a person to
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Bodies in Code explores how our bodies experience and adapt to digital environments. Cyberculture theorists have tended to overlook biological reality when talking about virtual reality, and Mark B. N. Hansen's book
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