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Troubleshoot, tune, and optimize your Oracle database efficiently and successfully every time. This book explains how to take full advantage of the revolutionary Oracle Wait Interface to quickly pinpoint--and solve--core problems and
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This comprehensive book shows how to get the most from Oracle's newest tool---HTML DB. Step-by-step instructions with screen shots and diagrams show how to develop complete Web applications easily.
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The recent explosive growth of biological data has lead to a rapid increase in the number of molecular biology databases. Held in many different locations and often using varying interfaces and non-standard
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Targetted at intermediate undergraduates, this text is designed for students of computer science who have already been introduced to databases and are beginning to specialize at the senior level.
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Written by leading industry experts, the Data Management Handbook is a comprehensive, single-volume guide to the most innovative ideas on how to plan, develop, and run a powerful data management function -
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