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245 products in Graphics & Illustration
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Finite Element Analysis Of Rotating Beams - Physics Based Interpolation Hardcover 1st Ed. 2017
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Finite Element Analysis Of Rotating Beams - Physics Based Interpolation Hardcover 1ST Ed. 2017
From Variability Tolerance To Approximate Computing In Parallel Integrated Architectures And Accelerators Hardcover 1st Ed. 2017
FPGA Prototyping By VHDL Examples - Xilinx Microblaze MCS Soc Hardcover 2nd Edition
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Fpga Prototyping By Vhdl Examples - Xilinx Microblaze Mcs Soc Hardcover 2ND Edition
Serious Games And Edutainment Applications - Volume II Hardcover 1st Ed. 2017
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Serious Games And Edutainment Applications - Volume II Hardcover 1ST Ed. 2017
Silicon Photonics & High Performance Computing - Proceedings Of CSI 2015 Paperback 1st Ed. 2018
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Silicon Photonics & High Performance Computing - Proceedings Of Csi 2015 Paperback 1ST Ed. 2018
Hybrid architecture for intelligent systems is a new field of artificial intelligence concerned with the development of the next generation of intelligent systems. This volume is the first book to delineate current
Multiple intelligent agent systems are commonly used in research requiring complex behavior. Synchronization control provides an advantage in solving the problem of multi-agent coordination. This book focuses on the use of synchronization
Real-time and embedded systems are essential to our lives, from controlling car engines and regulating traffic lights to monitoring plane takeoffs and landings to providing up-to-the-minute stock quotes. Bringing together researchers from
Securing and Controlling Cisco Routers demonstrates proven techniques for strengthening network security. The book begins with an introduction to Cisco technology and the TCP/IP protocol suite. Subsequent chapters cover subjects such as
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Digital Logic Techniques - Principles And Practice Third Edition Paperback 3RD Edition
This essential guide for intermediate/advanced photographers has now been fully updated for Elements 7. Bestselling author and Elements guru Philip Andrews turns his expansive knowledge to this powerful application, delivering, once again,
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Advanced Photoshop Elements 7 For Digital Photographers - For Digital Photographers Paperback
3D printing poses many challenges to the traditional law of intellectual property. This book attempts to develop a technical method to help overcome some of these legal challenges and difficulties. This book
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Intellectual Property Rights And Emerging Technology - 3D Printing In China Hardcover
A hands-on introduction to FPGA prototyping and SoC design This is the successor edition of the popular FPGA Prototyping by Verilog Examples text. It follows the same learning-by-doing approach to teach the
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Fpga Prototyping By Systemverilog Examples - Xilinx Microblaze Mcs Soc Edition Hardcover
This classic reference work is a comprehensive guide to the design, evaluation, and use of reliable computer systems. It includes case studies of reliable systems from manufacturers, such as Tandem, Stratus, IBM,
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Reliable Computer Systems - Design And Evaluation Third Edition Hardcover 3RD Edition
The exciting new Adobe Dimension CC empowers graphic designers to create high-quality photorealistic imagery using 2D and 3D assets -- and if you have an Adobe Creative Suite subscription, its already included.
Information Services Design - A Design Science Approach For Sustainable Knowledge Hardcover
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Information Services Design - A Design Science Approach For Sustainable Knowledge Hardcover
Discrete-Event Modeling And Simulation - Theory And Applications Hardcover
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Discrete-event Modeling And Simulation - Theory And Applications Hardcover