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Originally published in 1933, in partnership with the Institute of Actuaries Students' Society, this book was written to provide actuarial students with an introduction to the operations of friendly societies. The text
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This book explores the origins and development of the labour theory of value, examining its emergence from the natural law philosopher of the sixteenth and seventeenth century to its domination of the
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The profession of academic economics has been widely criticized for being excessively dependent on technical models based on unrealistic assumptions about rationality and individual behavior, and yet it remains a sparsely studied
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The fourth edition of this established textbook has been revised to take full account of the onset of a world recession and the fall in commodity prices that have brought increased poverty
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This book investigates the interaction of effective goods demand with the wage-price spiral, and the impact of monetary policy on financial and the real markets from a Keynesian perspective. Endogenous business fluctuations
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Neo-classical economics, with its emphasis on general equilibrium, has developed a tightly-knit group of theories of great rigour. However, it lacks a conceptualization of organization, institutions, structure and change and has virtually
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Economics can be pretty boring. Drier than Death Valley, the discipline is obsessed with mathematics and compounds this by arrogantly assuming its techniques can be brought to bear on the other social
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Originally published in 1954, this volume describes and analyses the course of short-period fluctuations in the British economy between 1833 and 1842. Through concentrating on a relatively short space of time, the
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This introduction to institutional economics, follows the history of the field since the early 20th century until the present day. It concentrates on influential authors in the main schools of institutional economics.
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Unfree labor has not disappeared from advanced capitalist economies. In this sense the debates among and between Marxist and orthodox economic historians about the incompatibility of capitalism and unfree labor are moot:
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Recent years have witnessed a dramatic growth in interest in economic methodology. However this work has moved in a number of significantly different directions, and it is not easy to see how
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Immigrant-owned enterprises are a highly visible phenomenon, but frequently and increasingly so after 9/11, immigration has been cast in pessimistic and apocalyptic terms which became associated with rising xenophobia and restrictive legislation,
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Before his untimely death in 2000, the brilliant young Israeli economic historian Klug conducted a thorough survey into the different theories of international trade. The results of this are now available here
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Modern economics makes much of its claim to be impartial, objective and value-free but it is unable to address our most immediate problems such as widespread environmental degradation and persistent poverty. In
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Using a comparative framework, this new volume focuses on how non-standard employment can be regulated in very different social, political and institutional settings. After surveying these new forms of work and the
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This book is a collection of some of Professor Shackle's papers written between 1939 and 1953 is largely concerned with the problems of 'expectation' and 'uncertainty' and with reducing these universal factors
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The labour markets in the United States and in Germany could hardly be more different. The USA, with its tremendous job growth, is often held up as the prime example of the
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Different types of markets exist throughout the world but how are they created? In this book, an interdisciplinary team of authors provide an evolutionary vision of how markets are designed and shaped.
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In The Economic Transformations in East and Central Europe the contributors argue that the area's economic history over the last century contains vital legacies that will shape its economic future. The book
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This is a collection of 21 articles that deal with the frontiers in financial theory of economics. Most aspects of finance are covered - domestic corporate and investment issues as well as
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