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4 434 products in Economics
In this book Nobel Laureate Sir John Hicks draws together the common threads of over fifty years of writing on monetary economics into a succinct statement of the fundamentals of monetary theory.
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This book is a remarkable attempt to understand and summarize the current and historical Sino-Japanese relationship: two countries bound by ties of history, culture, geography, and economic complementarity. Through this investigation, the
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China And Japan - History Trends And Prospects Paperback New
In this textbook Mervyn Lewis and Paul Mizen cover all the material required for a complete course on monetary economics. Their book integrates all the immense changes of recent years. Taking the
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Monetary Economics Paperback
This volume focuses on the impact of economic fluctuations on mortality, fertility and labour markets in Latin America during the 1980s. Long- and short-term influences and effects are highlighted, and broader factors
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Demographic Responses To Economic Adjustment In Latin America Hardcover
This study charts the development of the defense industries of the Visegrad countries--Czechoslovakia and its successor states, the Czech Republic and Slovakia; Poland; and Hungary. In the first part, national case studies
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The Defence Industry In East-central Europe - Restructuring And Conversion Hardcover
This book provides a comprehensive and accessible synthesis of Viscusi's 1996 Arne Ryde Memorial lectures on risk policy. In this volume, Viscusi explores the various forms of irrationality exemplified in individual risk
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Rational Risk Policy - The 1996 Arne Ryde Memorial Lectures Hardcover
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Peter Batchelor and Susan Willett analyze the response of the South African defense industry to drastic cuts in military expenditure and the demilitarization of society brought about by the end of the
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Disarmament And Defence Industrial Adjustment In South Africa Hardcover
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Sharing The Wealth - Demographic Change And Economic Transfers Between Generations Hardcover New Ed
The Age Of Experiences - Harnessing Happiness To Build A New Economy Paperback
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The Age Of Experiences - Harnessing Happiness To Build A New Economy Paperback
This book is aimed at business students who need a solid but not excessively theoretical introduction to economics which focuses on the contribution economics can make to the study of business policy.
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Business Economics Paperback
This lucid text brings together and explains the main theoretical developments in economic thinking about financial markets, institutions, and regulations over the last twenty-five years. It relates the theory of asymmetric information
Since the early 1990s, Europe's economies have been facing several new challenges: the single market programme, the collapse of the Berlin wall and eastward enlargement, and monetary unification. Building on the influential
The first in a series of books published with the IZA, this book presents and analyzes the work of one of the most important economists of the 20th century--Jacob Mincer. Mincer's work
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Jacob Mincer - The Founding Father Of Modern Labor Economics Hardcover New
The typical British publicly traded company has widely dispersed share ownership and is run by professionally trained managers who collectively own an insufficiently large percentage of shares to dictate the outcome when
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Corporate Ownership And Control - British Business Transformed Hardcover New
This is a book about Washington Consensus capitalism and the controversies its encroachment causes in Japan and Germany. Many people in both those countries share the assumptions dominant today in Britain and
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Stock Market Capitalism: Welfare Capitalism - Japan And Germany Versus The Anglo-saxons Paperback New
Wars, especially civil wars, are known to be one of the most potent causes of human suffering and underdevelopment. Yet economic analysis of developing countries at war is relatively rare. These volumes
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War And Underdevelopment: Volume 1: The Economic And Social Consequences Of Conflict Paperback New
This text sets out to explore the generation of technological knowledge and the introduction of technological change. The author argues that increasing returns in the production of knowledge apply, albeit it under