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*Thorough analysis of whole structures and structural elements *Fully compliant with EC8 and EC3 *Simple, clear approach to calculations
📱 Architecture
Papers presented at the Fourth International Symposium on Integrity of Offshore Structures, 2-3 July 1990, Kelvin Conference Centre, University of Glasgow, Scotland organized by the Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
📱 Architecture
This volume consists of papers presented at the International Conference on Earthquake, Blast and Impact held at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, UK, 18-20 September 1991, organised by
📱 Architecture
This volume consists of papers presented at a conference on Structural Integrity Assessment, held at Owens Park Conference Centre, University of Manchester, UK, 31 March-2 April 1992.
📱 Architecture
This is the third of three essential reference volumes for those concerned with theinstallation and servicing of domestic and industrial gas equipment. This volumeexplains the basic principles underlying the practical and theoretical
📱 Architecture
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