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With health reform enacted by the Congress and signed by the President, the subject matter of The Treatment Trap is a compelling component in the national debate. Taking advantage of Rosemary Gibson's
A typically pessimistic view of aging is that it leads to a steady decline in physical and mental abilities. In this volume leading gerontologists and geriatric researchers explore the immense potential of
The twin epidemics of obesity and diabetes are a 21st-century time bomb. The Atkins organisation is renowned for their work on diabetes and this book sets out a controlled carb diet and
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A seven day action plan designed to provide relief from arthritic pain - and in the longer term to heal arthritis. Based on dietary change, the programme eliminates many processed foods, (includeing
Supercharge your metabolism by adding coconut oil to your diet -- the weight simply drops off. Get the right good fat--low carb balance with this easy 21-day plan and discover the latest
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Presents comprehensive overview of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia, with advice on choosing treatment options, and on creating a plan to live with these debilitating diseases.
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What Do the Best-Trained Doctors Do to Beat Heart Disease? In today's avalanche of medical information, how can you distinguish between proven evidence and unfounded claims? This is the first book to
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America's health care system is unraveling, with millions of hard-working people unable to pay for prescription drugs and regular checkups, let alone hospital visits. Jonathan Cohn traveled across the United States-the
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A pediatrician looks at the causes and repercussions of chronic pain in children and offers a multidisciplinary approach--incorporating such alternative methods as yoga, acupuncture, hypnotherapy, and biofeedback, as well as relaxation techniques
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Treatment options, lifestyle strategies,and emotional support for two million Americans. Epilepsy, once mistakenly associated with demonic possession, has for centuries been a poorly understood illness. Today, though it affects nearly one out
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The ultimate guide to maximizing the body's ability to heal for anyone who is planning for or recovering from surgery, injury or pregnancy. By understanding the body's marvelous ability to repair
The latest and most effective information on preventing and treating colds and flu Under the weather? Eminent lung specialist Neil Schachter, M.D., arms you with the knowledge you need to boost immunity
Contrary to popular belief, high blood pressure is not an inevitable consequence of getting older, but is usually a result of a few lifestyle factors. There is sometimes a genetic component too,
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