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An important mathematician and astronomer in medieval India, Bhascara Acharya (1114-85) wrote treatises on arithmetic, algebra, geometry and astronomy. He is also believed to have been head of the astronomical observatory at
📱 Mathematics
An important mathematician and astronomer in medieval India, Bhascara Acharya (1114-85) wrote treatises on arithmetic, algebra, geometry and astronomy. He is also believed to have been head of the astronomical observatory at
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Astronomer and philosopher Sir John Herschel (1792-1871), the son of William and the nephew of Caroline, published his 1833 Treatise on Astronomy in the 'Cabinet Cyclopaedia' series of which the first volume
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The theory of sets, described in the preface to this book as 'Georg Cantor's magnificent theory' was first developed in the 1870s, and was recognised as one of the most important new
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Adrien-Marie Legendre (1752-1833), one of the great French mathematicians active in the Revolutionary period, made important contributions to number theory, statistics, mathematical analysis and algebra. He taught at the Ecole Militaire, where
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First published in 1857, this work comprises assorted noteworthy writings by the mathematician and astronomer Sir John Herschel (1792-1871), reflecting his diverse scientific and literary interests. It includes a piece on terrestrial
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Sir Horace Lamb (1849-1934) the British mathematician, wrote a number of influential works in classical physics. A pupil of Stokes and Clerk Maxwell, he taught for ten years as the first professor
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This concise textbook presents students with all they need for advancing in mathematical economics. Detailed yet student-friendly, Vohra's book contains chapters in, amongst others: * Feasibility * Convex Sets * Linear and
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Archimedes lived in the third century BC, and died in the siege of Syracuse. Together with Euclid and Apollonius, he was one of the three great mathematicians of the ancient world, credited
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A Huguenot exile in England, the French mathematician Abraham de Moivre (1667-1754) formed friendships with such luminaries as Edmond Halley and Isaac Newton. Making his living from private tuition, he became a
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Although the popularity of the Bayesian approach to statistics has been growing for years, many still think of it as somewhat esoteric, not focused on practical issues, or generally too difficult to
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Emission lines provide a powerful tool to study the physical properties and chemical compositions of astrophysical objects in the Universe, from the first stars to objects in our galaxy. The analysis of
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The practice of modeling is best learned by those armed with fundamental methodologies and exposed to a wide variety of modeling experience. Ideally, this experience could be obtained by working on actual
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Traditional texts in mathematical statistics can seem - to some readers-heavily weighted with optimality theory of the various flavors developed in the 1940s and50s, and not particularly relevant to statistical practice. Mathematical
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As senior wrangler in 1854, Edward John Routh (1831-1907) was the man who beat James Clerk Maxwell in the Cambridge mathematics tripos. He went on to become a highly successful coach in
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The development of constitutive relations for geotechnical materials, with the help of numerical models, have increased notably the ability to predict and to interpret mechanical behaviour of geotechnical works. These proceedings cover
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This volume provides a snapshot of the current thinking and development perspectives on the installation and design of screw piles within the framework of Eurocode 7. The material included provides background on
📱 Mathematics
As senior wrangler in 1854, Edward John Routh (1831-1907) was the man who beat James Clerk Maxwell in the Cambridge mathematics tripos. He went on to become a highly successful coach in
📱 Mathematics

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