9 700 products in Mathematics
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Graph Theory
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Graph Theory Paperback
Scientific discoveries are constantly in the news. Almost daily we hear about new and important breakthroughs. But sometimes it turns out that what was trumpeted as scientific truth is later discredited, or
This book provides an introduction to (1) various zeta functions (for example, Riemann, Hurwitz, Barnes, Epstein, Selberg, and Ruelle), including graph zeta functions; (2) modular forms (Eisenstein series, Hecke and Dirichlet L-functions,
String theory is currently the best candidate for a unified theory of all forces and all forms of matter in nature. As such, it has become a focal point for physical and
This introduction treats the classical isoperimetric inequality in Euclidean space and contrasting rough inequalities in noncompact Riemannian manifolds. In Euclidean space the emphasis is on a most general form of the inequality
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Isoperimetric Inequalities - Differential Geometric And Analytic Perspectives Paperback
This Research Note presents some recent advances in various important domains of partial differential equations and applied mathematics including equations and systems of elliptic and parabolic type and various applications in physics,
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Elliptic And Parabolic Problems - Pont-a-mousson 1994 Volume 325 Hardcover
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Multivariate Analysis deals with observations on more than one variable where there is some inherent interdependence between the variables. With several texts already available in this area, one may very well enquire
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Originating from a summer school taught by the authors, this concise treatment includes many of the main results in the area. An introductory chapter describes the fundamental results on linear algebraic groups,
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Linear Algebraic Groups And Finite Groups Of Lie Type Hardcover New
Addressing the lack of a specific book on core communication/presentation skills, the Handbook of Science Communication is written as a guide for students to speak and write effectively and as a reference
Multifractal theory was introduced by theoretical physicists in 1986. Since then, multifractals have increasingly been studied by mathematicians. This new work presents the latest research on random results on random multifractals and
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Random Geometrically Graph Directed Self-similar Multifractals Hardcover
Professor Pearson's book starts with an introduction to the area and an explanation of the most commonly used functions. It then moves on through differentiation, special functions, derivatives, integrals and onto full
This text aims to bridge the gap between non-mathematical popular treatments and the distinctly mathematical publications that non- mathematicians find so difficult to penetrate. The author provides understandable derivations or explanations of
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Chaos Theory Tamed Hardcover
Hilbert functions and resolutions are both central objects in commutative algebra and fruitful tools in the fields of algebraic geometry, combinatorics, commutative algebra, and computational algebra. Spurred by recent research in this
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This elementary treatment by a distinguished mathematician begins with the algebra of classes and proceeds to discussions of several different axiomatizations and Boolean algebra in the setting of the theory of partial
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Boolean Algebra Paperback
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Written by the founder of the Hungarian Probability Theory School, this introductory text is based on the author's extensive teaching experience. It features well-chosen problems and exercises that illustrate algebras of events,
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Probability Theory Paperback
When George Shoobridge Carr (1837-1914) wrote his Synopsis of Elementary Results he intended it as an aid to students preparing for degree-level examinations such as the Cambridge Mathematical Tripos, for which he
Thermodynamics is used increasingly in ecology to understand the system properties of ecosystems because it is a basic science that describes energy transformation from a holistic view. In the last decade, many
When George Shoobridge Carr (1837-1914) wrote his Synopsis of Elementary Results he intended it as an aid to students preparing for degree-level examinations such as the Cambridge Mathematical Tripos, for which he
Published in 1879, this Latin dissertation was the first substantial work on Archimedes by the Danish philologist and historian Johan Ludvig Heiberg (1854-1928), who the following year embarked on editing the three-volume
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Quaestiones Archimedeae Paperback
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