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Scientists in many fields are now expressing considerable interest in non-linearity and the ideas of oscillations and chaos. Chemical reactions provide perfect examples of these phenomena, as oscillating reactions, explosions, ignition, travelling
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Henry Frederick Baker (1866-1956) was a renowned British mathematician specialising in algebraic geometry. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1898 and appointed the Lowndean Professor of Astronomy and
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Henry Frederick Baker (1866-1956) was a renowned British mathematician specialising in algebraic geometry. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1898 and appointed the Lowndean Professor of Astronomy and
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Henry Frederick Baker (1866-1956) was a renowned British mathematician specialising in algebraic geometry. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1898 and appointed the Lowndean Professor of Astronomy and
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Invariant theory is a subject within abstract algebra that studies polynomial functions which do not change under transformations from a linear group. John Hilton Grace (1873-1958) was a research mathematician specialising in
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The complex technology of particle accelerators is based upon a series of simple physical concepts. This introduction to the subject focuses on providing a physical understanding of these key ideas. The study
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This book deals with the number-theoretic properties of almost all real numbers. It brings together many different types of result never covered within the same volume before, thus showing interactions and common
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Traditional social hypotheses have a built-in tendency to verify themselves and so involuntarily resist attempts at stereotype change or correction. This is the insight demonstrated and discussed as the start point for
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What is abstraction? To what extent can it account for the existence and identity of abstract objects? And to what extent can it be used as a foundation for mathematics? Kit Fine
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This book provides a careful treatment of the theory of algebraic Riccati equations. It consists of four parts: the first part is a comprehensive account of necessary background material in matrix theory
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This book provides a comprehensive treatment of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation with a periodic potential; in particular, the localized modes supported by the periodic potential. It takes the mean-field model of the Bose-Einstein
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This book highlights Kant's fundamental contrast between the mechanistic and dynamical conceptions of matter, which is central to his views about the foundations of physics, and is best understood in terms of
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How useful it is, noted the Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, to have a single, short, well-written book on differential topology. This accessible volume introduces advanced undergraduates and graduate students the
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Based on lectures by a renowned educator, this book focuses on continuous groups, particularly in terms of applications in geometry and analysis. The author's unique perspectives are illustrated by numerous inventive geometric
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This book gives an analysis of Hertz's posthumously published Principles of Mechanics in its philosophical, physical and mathematical context. In a period of heated debates about the true foundation of physical sciences,
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Phylogenetic combinatorics is a branch of discrete applied mathematics concerned with the combinatorial description and analysis of phylogenetic trees and related mathematical structures such as phylogenetic networks and tight spans. Based on
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This is the second of a two-volume series on sampling theory. The mathematical foundations were laid in the first volume, and this book surveys the many applications of sampling theory both within
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This book provides an introduction to the mathematical theory of homogenization, which describes the replacement of a real composite material by a fictitious homogeneous one. The aim of the theory is to
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Reissued in the Oxford Classic Texts in the Physical Sciences series, and first published in 1952, this book has been recommended to generations of students. It provides a clear and systematic introduction
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Niels Henrik Abel (1802-29) was one of the most prominent mathematicians in the first half of the nineteenth century. His pioneering work in diverse areas such as algebra, analysis, geometry and mechanics
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