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This volume contains information offered at the international conference held in Curacao, Netherlands Antilles. It presents the latest developments in the most active areas of abelian groups, particularly in torsion-free abelian groups.;For
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James Joseph Sylvester (1814-97) was an English mathematician who made key contributions to numerous areas of his field and was also of primary importance in the development of American mathematics, both as
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James Joseph Sylvester (1814-97) was an English mathematician who made key contributions to numerous areas of his field and was also of primary importance in the development of American mathematics, both as
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James Joseph Sylvester (1814-97) was an English mathematician who made key contributions to numerous areas of his field and was also of primary importance in the development of American mathematics, both as
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James Joseph Sylvester (1814-97) was an English mathematician who made key contributions to numerous areas of his field and was also of primary importance in the development of American mathematics, both as
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The purpose of this book, first published in 1939, updated in 1953, is to give a treatment of the so-called operational method and to illustrate its application to problems in various branches
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First published in 1911 as the second edition of a 1900 original, this book provides a basic introduction to astronomy written by the former Astronomer Royal of Ireland. The text is illustrated
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Graph theory meets number theory in this stimulating book. Ihara zeta functions of finite graphs are reciprocals of polynomials, sometimes in several variables. Analogies abound with number-theoretic functions such as Riemann/Dedekind zeta
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As senior wrangler in 1854, Edward John Routh (1831-1907) was the man who beat James Clerk Maxwell in the Cambridge mathematics tripos. He went on to become a highly successful coach in
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Originally published in 1989, this book provides a comprehensive account of how to handle astronomical data. Descriptions of data acquisition, handling, and interpretation are included. The advice starts with chapters on observatories
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Originally published in 1979, this book shows the beautiful simplifications that can be brought to the theory of differential equations by treating such equations from the product integral viewpoint. The first chapter
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Understanding the formation of objects at all scales in the universe, from galaxy clusters to stars and planets, is a major problem in modern astrophysics, and one of the most exciting challenges
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The Cambridge polymath Isaac Barrow (1630-77) gained recognition as a theologian, classicist and mathematician. This one-volume collection of his mathematical writings, dutifully edited by one of his successors as Master of Trinity
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Disinfection of wastewater is a necessary treatment process for protecting the public from potential exposure to pathogenic microorganisms because many wastewater effluents are discharged into water bodies that may be used for
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This graduate-level text's primary objective is to demonstrate the expression of the equations of the various branches of mathematical physics in the succinct and elegant form of variational principles (and thereby illuminate
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Landmark discusses the evidence validating fingerprints as a means of personal identification, permanence of the fingerprint characteristics, uniqueness of an assemblage of ridge details, more. 34 tables. 15 plates. Landmark discusses the
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During the past few decades, the gradual merger of Discrete Geometry and the newer discipline of Computational Geometry has provided enormous impetus to mathematicians and computer scientists interested in geometric problems. This
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Known as 'Darwin's Bulldog', the biologist Thomas Henry Huxley (1825-95) was a tireless supporter of the evolutionary theories of his friend Charles Darwin. Huxley also made his own significant scientific contributions, and
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Thomas Henry Huxley (1825-95), the English biologist and naturalist, was known as 'Darwin's Bulldog', and is best remembered today for his vociferous support for Darwin's theory of evolution. He was, however, an
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