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The American Philosopher John Dewey's writings contend systematically with problems in metaphysics, epistemology, logic and many other aspects that up until now have not included economics. This book brings together, for the
📱 Philosophy
Dialetheism is the view that some contradictions are true. This is a view which runs against orthodoxy in logic and metaphysics since Aristotle, and has implications for many of the core notions
📱 Philosophy
Nyana is the most rational and logical of all the classical Indian philosophical systems. In the study of Nyana philosophy, Karikavali with its commentary Muktavali, both by Visvanatha Nyayapancanana, with the commentaries
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Wittgenstein's contribution to the debate on rule-following has been subject to sharply opposed interpretations. David Bloor provides an informative explorations of this debate and argues for a collectivist account of rules and
📱 Philosophy
This reasessment of the political implications of deconstruction also provides a reading of Derrida's philosophy through political philosophy. Such a reading is apposite, not simply because it is in line with current
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This book is intended as an introductory survey of the philosophy of the social sciences. It is essentially a work of exposition that offers a tool box of mechanisms--nuts and bolts,
📱 Philosophy
A prime founder of the scientific and comparative study of Hellenistic Judaism and early Christianity, Bousset (1865-1920) here connects the Antichrist to myths of the primordial dragon, drawing on a vast array
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