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Relying on incremental experiment rather than leaps into the unknown, Robert Stephenson (1803-59) forged an influential career as a highly respected railway and civil engineer. From the steam locomotive Rocket to the
Relying on incremental experiment and practice rather than individual leaps into the unknown, Robert Stephenson (1803-59) forged an influential career as a highly respected railway and civil engineer. From the steam locomotive
Published in 1878, this biography of the civil engineer Robert Stevenson (1772-1850) was written by his second-youngest son David (1815-86), also a civil engineer and uncle to the author Robert Louis Stevenson.
This book provides concise, up-to-date and easy-to-follow information on an increasingly important area of hydro-environmental analysis and management. It covers important aspects of both surface and subsurface water quality management, as they
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Computational Methods In The Management Of Hydro-environmental Systems Hardcover
Mathematical modelling of activated sludge systems is used widely for plant design, optimisation, training, controller design and research. The quality of simulation studies varies depending on the project objectives, finances and expertise
Shock wave-boundary-layer interaction (SBLI) is a fundamental phenomenon in gas dynamics that is observed in many practical situations, ranging from transonic aircraft wings to hypersonic vehicles and engines. SBLIs have the potential
A companion volume to Drainage Details, the two volumes provide a compact and exact source of reference dealing with the drainage of buildings from sanitary appliance through the underground drainage network, to
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Sanitation Details Paperback
The objective of this project was to develop and evaluate a practical technique to indicate the probability of the presence of bacterial pathogens in receiving waters. A practical method was defined as
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Development Of Practical Methods To Assess The Presence Of Bacterial Pathogens In Water Paperback New
Narrative water quality criteria are an integral component of States water quality standards but they pose special problems when incorporated into the TMDL process. The TMDL process is typically a quantitative activity,
Instrumentation, control and automation (ICA) in wastewater treatment systems is now an established and recognised area of technology in the profession. There are obvious incentives for ICA, not the least from an
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Instrumentation Control And Automation In Wastewater Systems Paperback
The Activated Sludge (AS) Process is old technology but is still widely adopted worldwide for its convenience and simplicity: an impressive number (many hundred of thousands) of this kind of system are
First published in 1956 as part of the Cambridge Aeronautical Series, this book addresses the vital science of wing theory. Robinson and Laurmann record the historic developments in wing theory, including the
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Wing Theory Paperback
The purpose of this book is to disseminate contemporary knowledge and practical experiences concerning problems and solutions related to urban hydrology and drainage. Although the main focus is on developing countries, the
Abandoning a military career, Richard Beamish (1798-1873) decided to become a civil engineer. His suitability as a biographer of Sir Marc Isambard Brunel (1769-1849) stems from the period he spent working closely
All measurements are subject to error because no quantity can be known exactly; hence, any measurement has a probability of lying within a certain range. The more precise the measurement, the smaller
This comprehensive work discusses those factors which contribute to the overall quality of the major vegetables grown in North America for the fresh market as well as methods for storing and preserving
Materials scientists, silicon technologists and TCAD researchers come together in this book to share experimental results and physical models, discuss achievements and challenges, and identify key issues for future research in this
Laser remote sensing and optical communication are two important technology areas with great potential to improve human lives and impact the global economy. Although laser remote sensing and optical communication are distinct
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Materials And Devices For Laser Remote Sensing And Optical Communication: Volume 1076 Paperback
This is a translation of Les sites pollues: traitement des sols et des eaux souterraines , second edition. It covers: contaminated sites; environmental diagnosis; assessment of hazard; remediaiton; costs; new legal requirements;
This volume contains the revised versions of papers presented at the 4th Seminar on Experimental Techniques and Design in Composite Materials. The papers have been divided into five sections: fatigue, test methods,
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