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Marcia Siegel, Deborah Jowitt, Arlene Croce and Nancy Golder are writers who became dance critics partly by design. By showing examples from their writing about dance, the author presents a detailed analysis
📱 Archaeology
Pigs are one of the most iconic but also paradoxical animals ever to have developed a relationship with humans. This relationship has been a long and varied one: from noble wild beast
📱 Archaeology
The turn of the twenty-first century has seen a new era in the cognitive and brain sciences that allows us to address the age-old question of what it means to be human
📱 Archaeology
Women in Human Evolution challenges the traditional invisibility of women in human prehistory, rejecting the conventional relegation of women to the realm of reproduction in order to ask what else our female
📱 Archaeology
This volume is the final part of a four-part survey of innovative results emerging from the fusion of archaeology and historical linguistics. Archaeology and Language IV examines a variety of pressing issues
📱 Archaeology
Archaeologies of Sexuality is a timely and pioneering work. It presents a strong, diverse body of scholarship which draws on locations as varied as medieval England, the ancient Maya kingdoms, New Kingdom
📱 Archaeology
This book brings together hitherto uncollected work on one of the most important developments in museology in the past century: collaborative research involving museums and members of ethnographic source communities, and the
📱 Archaeology
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