ATAC is sending agents Frank and Joe to Bayport to investigate a string of false hurricane warnings that are terrorizing the citizens. The two suspects are two people who have been giving the false warnings.
A series of summer hurricane warnings are rattling the citizens of Bayport, especially since their houses are robbed after they've evacuated. ATAC sends Frank and Joe in to investigate the latest string of false alarms. ATAC BRIEFING FOR AGENTS FRAND AND JOE HARDY MISSION: To investigate a string of false hurricane warnings -- and subsequent burglaries -- that are terrorizing the citizens of Bayport. LOCATION: Bayport. POTENTIAL VICTIMS: Anyone who trusts storm warnings from seemingly reliable sources at the peak of Bayport's hurricane season. In other words, about every other person in Bayport. SUSPECTS: We have two suspects at this time... THE MISSION REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. THIS MESSAGE WILL BE ERASED IN FIVE SECONDS.