This is a black leather hobo tote shoulder bag with a tassel, designed for women. It has a dimension of L11.42" *H11.81" *D4.33" and top handles with a 10.63" drop. The net weight of the bag is 2.11lb. The product is made from high-quality leather and may have a strong leather smell upon opening, which will fade away after a few hours in a ventilated place. It is important to confirm the size of the bag based on the provided photos, as returns due to size issues are not accepted.
Product Information: Dimension: L11.42" *H11.81" *D4.33"
Top handles: 10.63" drop
Net weight: 2.11lb
Remarks:1. This product is made from top quality leather and has that wonderful new leather aroma. If you are not used to it, you could just open the package and put it in a ventilate place for a few hours, then the smell will fade away.
2. Pls confirm the size according to our photos. Return by Dimensions problem is not accepted.