The Honeycomb Silicone Loaf Soap Mold is a versatile tool for making cold or hot process soap. To ensure easy removal, it is recommended to let the soap harden and then place it in the fridge or freezer for 30 minutes before attempting to remove it. Adding Sodium Lactate to the recipe can also aid in removal. The mold is designed to create a perfectly straight loaf without rounded corners, and the walls are extra thick to prevent bowing.
Tips for Cold or Hot Process Soap: Make sure your soap has hardened enough before trying to remove. In order to ease removal, you can put your soap in fridge or freezer for about a half an hour. Afterwards, take it out, let it sit for about 10 min at room temperature, and then attempt to remove. You can also try adding Sodium Lactate to your recipe (1 tsp per pound of oils). Points of Interest: Maximum Product Pour Temp: 500F Makes (1) Individual Loaf Mold Loaf is perfectly straight without rounded corners. Mold walls are built with extra thickness to prevent bowing.