The story is about two princesses, Princess Magnolia and Princess Sneezewort, who have a playdate interrupted by a pet-eating monster. However, a new masked avenger, the Princess in Black, comes to their rescue. The two princesses team up to defeat the monster and the story highlights the importance of friendship and teamwork.
Noseholes and elephants! A pet-eating monster interrupts a perfect playdate with Princess Sneezewort . . . but who is that new masked avenger?Princess Magnolia and Princess Sneezewort have plans . . . mysterious plans, like a princess playdate! They dress-up slam! They karaoke jam! They playhouse romp and snack-time stomp! But then a shout from outside Princess Sneezewort's castle interrupts their fun. Its a monster trying to eat someones kitty! This is a job for the Princess in Black. Yet when the Princess in Black gets there, she finds only a masked stranger and no monster in sight . . . or is there? Action and humor abound in this ode to friendship that proves that when shape-shifting monsters intrude on your plans, two heroes are better than one.