The Life from Stone Sauvignon Blanc 750ml is a wine made from grapes grown on the estate in the rocky soil. The wine is fermented and then aged for 100 days on the lees. The wine has a 12.6% ABV and is a true expression of the rocky terroir on the estate.
As the name suggests, the Life from Stone vineyards are grown in the rockiest soil found on the estate - round 70% quartz rock. After the wine is fermented, it spends 100 days on the lees, which builds body and texture. It shows powerful granadilla flavours and a dense texture.
- A unique sauvignon blanc
- Springfields signature wine
- Powerful granadilla flavours and a dense texture
- It is a fresh, flinty wine which is a true expression of the rocky terroir on the estate
- Volume: 750ml
- ABV: 12.6%
- Vintage: 2016