Naruto is a young ninja-in-training who craves attention and often causes mischief. He possesses a powerful and mysterious force within him. His instructor Kakashi finds his antics amusing, while his teammates Sasuke and Sakura are often annoyed by him. Naruto is determined to become the best ninja in his village. However, he experiences a dangerous transformation and turns against his own teammates due to the influence of Orochimaru, who reveals a sinister plot that has caused the deaths of many people.
Naruto is a ninja-in-training with a need for attention, a knack for mischief and, sealed within him, a strange, formidable power.
Naruto is a ninja-in-training with a need for attention, a knack for mischief and, sealed within him, a strange, formidable power. His antics amuse his instructor Kakashi and irritate his teammates, intense Sasuke and witty Sakura, but Naruto is serious about becoming the greatest ninja in the village of Konohagakure!
Morphing out of control, a stronger-than-ever Naruto turns on his own teammates! Orochimaru triggers a frightening change in Naruto as he reveals a sinister plot that's been the death of far more people than anyone knew.