This book can be used together with the
European Human Rights Case Locator or as a stand-alone volume. This book contains all the cases decided by the court from 1960 to 2000, set out in an informative and easy to read summary form. The majority of the cases have not previously been reported in any UK law report. The cases are listed in alphabetical order and the following information is presented in each case summary:
- name of the case and case number (from numbering system adopted in European Human Rights Case Locator)
- law report reference (if it has been reported)
- date of application to the Commission/Court
- the date of the Commission report (pre-October 1998 cases) and the date of judgment
- brief summary of the facts of the case
- Commission finding (pre-October 1998 cases)
- Court's decision and reasons on the substantive Articles/Protocols
- Court's decision on just satisfaction/damages, expenses and costs
- all other cases cited by the court in its decision.
This book also includes a list of all the cases in chronological order with numbering, a list of cases by subject matter and a copy of the relevant articles and Protocols of the
European Convention on Human Rights. This book provides a complete reference source and research tool in a single volume of all the Court's judgements.