Piekfyn Afrikaans Graad 4 Eerste Addisionele Taal Leerderboek - Henk Viljoen Paperback

This is a book for Afrikaans learners who want to learn the First Additional Language (Afrikaans). It contains interesting teaching material and colourful illustrations to help improve visual literacy. All the content, activities, games and other exercises are divided into different sections so that students can easily find what they are looking for. more details
Key Features:
  • Contains interesting teaching material and colourful illustrations to help improve visual literacy
  • Divided into different sections so that students can easily find what they are looking for
  • Ideal for Afrikaans learners who want to improve their language skills

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Author henk viljoen
Brand Unbranded
Format Paperback
ISBN 9781770022751
Model Number 9781770022751
Pages 236
This is a book for Afrikaans learners who want to learn the First Additional Language (Afrikaans). It contains interesting teaching material and colourful illustrations to help improve visual literacy. All the content, activities, games and other exercises are divided into different sections so that students can easily find what they are looking for.

Piekfyn Afrikaans Graad 4 is gemik op leerders wat Afrikaans as
Eerste Addisionele Taal neem. Dit bevat interessante leerstof en
volkleur illustrasies om visuele geletterdheid te bevorder. Al die
taalinhoud, aktiwiteite, speletjies en ander oefeninge word met
di* van ander vakke ge*ntegreer sodat...
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