House Of Five Leaves Vol. 1

This is a summary of the manga "House of Five Leaves" by Japanese author Natsume Soseki. The manga follows the story of Akitsu Masanosuke, a skilled but na*ve samurai, who is hired by Yaichi to be a bodyguard for the leader of a group called "Five Leaves." Despite his misgivings, Masa begins to suspect that Yaichi's motivations are not what they seem, and the deeper he gets drawn into the group, t... more details
Key Features:
  • The story follows the journey of samurai Akitsu Masanosuke, who is hired by Yaichi to be a bodyguard for the leader of a group called "Five Leaves."
  • Despite his na*vete, Masa begins to suspect that Yaichi's motivations are not what they seem, and the deeper he gets drawn into the group, the more he finds himself fascinated by them.
  • The manga is full of beautiful and detailed artwork, and is a must-read for fans of Japanese literature.

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This is a summary of the manga "House of Five Leaves" by Japanese author Natsume Soseki. The manga follows the story of Akitsu Masanosuke, a skilled but na*ve samurai, who is hired by Yaichi to be a bodyguard for the leader of a group called "Five Leaves." Despite his misgivings, Masa begins to suspect that Yaichi's motivations are not what they seem, and the deeper he gets drawn into the group, the more he finds himself fascinated by them.

A best-selling series from one of Japan's most respected authors.

R to L (Japanese Style). A best-selling series from one of Japan's most respected authors. Masterless samurai Akitsu Masanosuke is a skilled and loyal swordsman, but his na*ve, diffident nature has more than once caused him to be let go by the lords who employ him. Hungry and desperate, he agrees to become a bodyguard for Yaichi, the charismatic leader of a group calling itself "Five Leaves." Although disturbed by the gang's sinister activities, Masa begins to suspect that Yaichi's motivations are not what they seem. And despite his misgivings, the deeper he's drawn into the world of the Five Leaves, the more he finds himself fascinated by these devious, mysterious outlaws.
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