Slam Dunk Vol. 2 is a popular manga that follows the story of the Shohoku High basketball team as they strive to become the best. The team has one year left to fulfill their captain's dream of reaching the finals. However, the captain of the judo team sees potential in Hanamichi, a member of the basketball team, and tries to convince him to switch sports. The manga explores themes of dedication, discipline, and the pursuit of one's dreams.
R to L (Japanese Style)
One of the most popular manga in the history of manga! Winning isn't everything in basketball, but who wants to come in second? It takes dedication and discipline to be the best, and the Shohoku High hoops team wants to be just that--the best. They have one last year to make their captain's dream of reaching the finals come true--will they do it? Takehiko Inoue's legendary basketball manga is finally here, and the tale of a lifetime is in your hands!
He may be a pain in the butt, but Hanamichi's athletic prowess and monstrous strength have not gone unnoticed by the captain of Shohoku's judo team. Hoping to take his troupe to a national title, the judo captain is willing to go to great lengths to lure Hanamichi away from the court and get him on the sparring mat. Will out-and-out bribery convince Hanamichi that judo's the way to go, or will he stay a basketball man to the very end?