Dragon Ball Z is a manga series written and illustrated by Akira Toriyama. It is the second half of Toriyamas "Dragon Ball" saga, following Dragon Ball. The series follows the adventures of Son Goku, a young man who trains to become the strongest fighter in the world in order to protect Earth from evil.
The ultimate science fiction martial arts manga and one of the best-selling series of all time
Dragon Ball Z is the second half of Toriyamas touchstone saga,
Dragon Ball. After years of training and adventure, Son Goku has become Earths ultimate warrior, and his son, Gohan, shows even greater promise. But the strikes are increasing as even deadlier enemies threaten the planet and means non-stop action! The VIZBIG edition of
Dragon Ball Z contains volumes 1-3, bonus color content and updated text.
Son Goku is the greatest hero on Earth. Five years after defeating the demon king Piccolo, he's grown up and had a family--he's married, and he has a child, Son Gohan. But what is the real reason for Goku's incredible strength? A visitor from outer space arrives bearing terrible news--Goku is an alien, and the visitor, Raditz, is Goku's brother! When Raditz turns out to be a ruthless killer, Goku must fight his incredibly strong brother to save his family and the entire human race. A surprising alliance may be Earth's last hope: Goku will team up with his old enemy Piccolo...archenemies united to save the world!