Kamisama Kiss Vol. 7 is a manga that follows the story of Nanami Momozono, a girl who becomes a local deity after taking over the job of a man she saved. She lives at a shrine with her companion Mizuki, who struggles with adjusting to the human world. Nanami tries to keep Mizuki from going into town, fearing he may cause trouble.
A divine comedy!Reads R to L (Japanese Style), for audiences T.
Nanami Momozono is alone and homeless after her dad skips town to evade his gambling debts and the debt collectors kick her out of her apartment. So when a man she's just saved from a dog offers her his home, she jumps at the opportunity. But it turns out that his place is a shrine, and Nanami has unwittingly taken over his job as a local deity!
Mizuki loves living at the shrine with Nanami, but he hates that he has to stay behind when she goes to school. He hates even more that Tomoe gets to go with her. But Mizuki isnt used to the human world, so Nanami thinks its safer if he just stays put. Can Mizuki become a master of the mundane, or will his secret foray into town end in disaster?!