This book tells the story of the McIlhenny family, who started producing Tabasco sauce in the early 1900s. The sauce became very popular, and the McIlhenny family became very wealthy. The book also discusses the history of Tabasco sauce, and how it has evolved over the years.
In this fascinating history, Jeffrey Rothfeder tells how, from a simple ideathe outgrowth of a handful of peppers planted on an isolated island on the Gulf of Mexicoa secretive family business emerged that would produce one of the best-known products in the world. A delectable and satisfying read for both Tabasco fans and business buffs,
McIlhenny's Gold is the untold story of the continuing success of an eccentric, private company; a lively history of one of the most popular consumer products of all times; and an exploration of our desire to test the limits of human tolerance for fiery foods.