The Woodcutter is a standalone psychological thriller by Wolf Hadda. It follows Wolf, a successful businessman who is thrown into prison after protesting his innocence. Seven years later, Wolf is released and returns to his family home in rural Cumbria. Wolf begins to talk to psychiatrist Alva Ozigbo, who helps him get parole. However, Wolf has a mysterious period in his youth where he disappeared from home and was known to his employers as the Woodcutter. The Woodcutter is back, looking for the truth and revenge.
A fast-moving, stunning new standalone psychological thriller - from the award-winning author of the Dalziel and Pascoe series Wolf Hadda has lead a charmed life. From humble origins as a woodcutter's son, he has risen to become a hugely successful entrepreneur, happily married to the girl of his dreams. A knock on the door one morning ends it all. Thrown into prison while protesting his innocence, Wolf retreats into silence. Seven years later prison psychiatrist Alva Ozigbo makes a breakthrough: Wolf begins to talk. Under her guidance he gets parole, returning to his rundown family home in rural Cumbria. But there is a mysterious period in Wolf's youth when he disappeared from home and was known to his employers as the Woodcutter. And now the Woodcutter is back, looking for the truth - and revenge.