The Super Hero Squad Show: Mother Of Doom is a five-episode animated TV series from Marvel that follows Marvel Comics' most notable heroes (Iron Man, Falcon, Hulk, Silver Surfer, Thor and Wolverine) as they do battle against the most notorious villains. Episodes are: "The Ice Melt Cometh!", "Wrath of the Red Skull!", "Mother of Doom!", "Last Exit Before Doomsday!" and "This Al Dente Earth!"
Five episodes from the first season of the animated TV series from
Marvel. The show follows Marvel Comics' most notable heroes (Iron
Man, Falcon, Hulk, Silver Surfer, Thor and Wolverine) as they do
battle against the most notorious villains. Episodes are: 'The Ice
Melt Cometh!', 'Wrath of the Red Skull!', 'Mother of Doom!', 'Last
Exit Before Doomsday!' and 'This Al Dente Earth!'.