No 10 Gin 750ML

Experience the sophisticated taste of Tanqueray No. 10 Gin, a premium spirit that elevates any occasion. This 750ml bottle is perfect for those who appreciate the finer things in life. Crafted with fresh citrus fruits, including whole limes, oranges, and pink grapefruit, No. 10 delivers a uniquely refreshing flavor profile that sets it apart from the competition. Renowned for its meticulous distil... more details
Key Features:
  • 750ml bottle
  • crafted with fresh citrus fruits
  • meticulous distillation process

R599.99 from Pick n Pay

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Current Price: R599.99

Brand Tanqueray
Manufacturer TANQUERAY
Model Number 0B3A528539AB680975AC1E7CD06D1758
Experience the sophisticated taste of Tanqueray No. 10 Gin, a premium spirit that elevates any occasion. This 750ml bottle is perfect for those who appreciate the finer things in life. Crafted with fresh citrus fruits, including whole limes, oranges, and pink grapefruit, No. 10 delivers a uniquely refreshing flavor profile that sets it apart from the competition. Renowned for its meticulous distillation process using the rare “tiny batch” method, Tanqueray No. 10 captures the essence of the botanicals for a smooth, well-balanced taste. Ideal for serving in classic cocktails or simply with tonic and a slice of citrus, this gin has won numerous awards, including the prestigious Double Gold at the San Francisco World Spirits Competition.Whether you’re celebrating a special occasion or relaxing after a long day, Tanqueray No. 10 Gin fits perfectly into any lifestyle. Elevate your home bar and impress your guests with the exceptional quality and flavor of Tanqueray No. 10 – a must-have for gin lovers and cocktail enthusiasts alike!

Tanqueray No 10 Gin 750ml
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