This book is the autobiography of Anatole Abragam, a leading figure in modern physics. He was born in Russia in 1915 and emigrated to Paris at the age of ten. He became a highly gifted pupil and began his career in physics in 1945 at a laboratory in Saclay. His contributions to the field of nuclear magnetism later won him high distinctions. This book is a candid description of the author's life, times, and colleagues. It is replete with anecdotes and pen-portraits of his contemporaries, not all of which are flattering.
Time Reversal is the autobiography of a leading figure in modern physics, Anatole Abragam. Born in Russia in 1915, he emigrated to Paris at the age of ten, where he proved to be a highly gifted pupil. But it was not until 1945, when he gained a place in a laboratory in Saclay, that his career in physics really began. His contributions to the field of nuclear magnetism subsequently won him high distinctions. This book is a candid description of the author's life, times, and colleagues. It is replete with anecdotes and pen-portraits of his contemporaries, not all of which are flattering.